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Strategic Planning

"If you cannot measure it then you cannot
manage it!"

Strategic document planning is the architectural practice that considers technology in terms of an organization’s needs and applies it to human behaviors to deliver effective document production solutions.

Document Output Discovery

Organizations update document output technology largely through replacement. Our detailed Document Output Discovery provides real-time data for strategic planning of technology refreshment to maximize utilization and productivity and minimize expense.

  • Accurate census of all local, shared and network output devices
  • Utilization levels by devices, users and technology
  • Analysis of user workflow behaviors by document characteristics, host applications and job size
  • Expenses by device, user and technology
  • Understand the impact of current management processes Read more

Document Output Strategy

A strategic approach to document output balances expense containment with personnel convenience, productivity and application-determined needs. You will benefit from our considerable experience as we analyze your current document output environment and identify opportunities for improvement that are not driven by a desire to sell hardware.

  • Technology standards to reduce support and maximize user productivity
  • A strategic view of printing and end-user workflow behaviors
  • Advanced digital worflows to improve productivity, document quatilyt while reducing expense

With your approved strategy in hand you will take the first truly proactive steps toward managing your print output costs. Read more

Document Output Management

Document output strategies often fail due to an inability to measure results and manage to them. Business Communications Group will help you to develop and implement process controls that guarantee realization of the objectives of your document output strategy.

  • Ongoing management of the assets and associated expenses
  • Business processes to capture and analyze data for continuous improvement
  • End-user training and support to insure effective implementation of new technologies
  • Identify new technologies and workflows
    Read more

"Business Communications Group’s holistic approach considers all of the elements which comprise your document output environment — unlike others who focus on those they wish to replace — we look at local and network devices, all technologies and user behaviors which drive the output volumes and costs in the first place!"community!"



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