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About Business Communications Group

"Business Communications Group provides independent consulting services within the document production market space. We leverage strategic relationships with independent consultants and service providers throughout Canada and the United States to meet the needs of specific engagements. This allows us to apply the resources and expertise required by individual projects while maintaining operational efficiency."

Our Experience

Over the past 30 years we obtained an intimate knowledge of all aspects of the office equipment and document production industries which we share with our clients. Significant involvement with managed print services, digital color and production print workflows make us uniquely qualified to assist with development of effective print strategies and robust workflows.

Since the founding of Business Communications Group in 2002 we have provided secondary vendor support to manufacturers and distribution partners as well as prime vendor services directly to businesses, governmental agencies and educational and non-profit institutions.

We are recognized as content experts in the print management market space submitting trade magazine articles and presenting managed print services concepts to industry groups and corporate meetings.


What Differentiates Us

We provide the business, education and government communities with an alternative; independent and robust strategic planning and management that is not limited by our desire to sell hardware. Unlike others we consider local and network devices, all technologies and user behaviors.


Contact Us

Business Communications
Group, L.L.C.

11602 North 70th Pl.
Scottsdale, AZ 85254




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