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Print Environment Management

Reduce Document Expenses
Increase Employee Productivity
Lower Demands on Internal Resources
Improve Document Quality

"Effective document production systems cannot be based on the hardware - copiers, facsimile machines or printers any more than a building is simply bricks, mortar, wood and metal. These raw building materials provide an effective working or living environment only when some architecture and design are applied.

Strategic document planning is the architectural practice that considers technology in terms of an organization’s needs and applies it to human behaviors to deliver effective document production solutions."  


Business Communications Group provides strategic planning and management of workflow and technologies related to the document life cycle. Our independent approach enables you to take truly proactive steps toward managing your document environment. Experience has shown that implementation of an effective strategy can realize expense reductions ranging from tens of thousands of dollars for smaller organizations to millions of dollars in larger enterprises. 
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Many of your clients are seeking advanced Managed Print Services to streamline their business operations. Business Communications Group will help you develop and implement service offerings to better meet their needs – providing opportunities for you to capture a greater share of their document life cycle expenditure. We provide services development, training, marketing and sales support and partnering to provide your clients with advanced strategic planning. 
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